Denver-The recently-released second edition, Neurological Examination for the Busy Practitioner, is designed to be a quick-access reference tool for veterinarians who perform such exams.
The recently-released second edition, Neurological Examination for the Busy Practitioner, is designed to be a quick-access reference tool for veterinarians who perform such exams.
Published by the American Animal Hospital Association, the 128-page paperback guides readers through various steps of the neurological exam, including:
-assessment of mental status and behavior;
-cranial nerves;
-gait and movement;
-proprioception and the postural reactions; and
-myotactic reflexes.
The book is written by Mary Smith, DVM, a 16-year veteran of clinical neurology. It costs $49 for AAHA members; $60 for nonmembers.
To order a copy, call (800) 883-6301 or (303) 986-2800 or visit the Web site at