Date: December 05 - December 07, 2019
This course is geared toward the participant that is comfortable with abdominal ultrasound and needs guidance or instruction on the more advanced diagnoses. This course not only focuses on the abdomen to discuss the use of Doppler and imaging for portosystemic shunts, but also spends time on ocular ultrasound, ultrasound of the neck and thyroid gland, noncardiac thoracic ultrasound, as well as lots of case presentations to show the application of ultrasound and how it helps to guide treatment. In this 3-day course, 12 hours is spent in the laboratory ultrasounding dogs and cats and discussion the tricks and differences between both.
Event type: WVC Academy Course
Event Address: Oquendo Center2425 E Oquendo Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
For More Information:,WVC