Alberta veterinary school to open next year


After taking two key steps toward gaining full accreditation, the University of Calgary veterinary school can open its doors next fall to an inaugural class of students.

CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA — After taking two key steps toward gaining full accreditation, the University of Calgary veterinary school can open its doors next fall to an inaugural class of students.

The school received a letter of reasonable insurance from the Council of Education, representing both the American and Canadian veterinary medi-cal associations, and approval from Doug Horner, provincial Advanced Education Minister — both necessary before veterinary students could be accepted.

Canada's fifth veterinary program, UC will take on 30 new Alberta students each year, with offerings in both overall veterinary medicine practice and specific equine, agricultural and companion-animal medicine.

Although Canadian veterinary-education facilities are regionally based, UC's opening will not impact the number of Alberta students accepted to Saskatoon Western College of Veterinary Medicine.

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