Almost-A-Dog, Ozzie Pawsbourne among top 10 weirdest names for dogs and cats


"Bella" has been the most popular pet name for the last two years running, but pet owners are still coming up with creative, quirky names for their best friend companions.

Dog No. 2: Franco Furter >

Skip ahead to Cat No. 1: Ozzie Pawsbourne >

1. Almost-A-Dog

Where did the name come from?

When Frank and Theresa Adamski first took a look at their weeks-old teacup Yorkie, "dog" just didn't seem to fit.

"We were on the drive home from picking her up and I wasn't sure what name we were going to give her," Theresa says. "I looked down into my hand and there slept this one-pound piece of fluff so sweet and small. I said to my husband that she was almost a dog because she was so tiny. He looked at me and said, 'Almost-A-Dog, how's that for a name?'"

Dog No. 2: Franco Furter >

Skip ahead to Cat No. 1: Ozzie Pawsbourne >

< No. 1: Almost-A-Dog  |  No. 3: Stinkie McStinkerson >

2. Franco Furter

Where did the name come from?

"I had a German shepherd named Bella, and I wanted to find an Italian name to go along with Bella," says owner Frances Cole. "I settled upon Franco. The 'Furter' came later. It just seemed to fit."

In addition to resembling a hot dog, Franco Furter is known to prop himself up on his haunches when he wants something.

< No. 1: Almost-A-Dog  |  No. 3: Stinkie McStinkerson >

< No. 2: Franco Furter  |  No. 4: Sir Seamus McPoop >

3. Stinkie McStinkerson

Where did the name come from?

Having never had a dog when she was younger, Mary Kraszewski thought it would be fun to revert to her 7-year-old self when naming the pooch she finally brought home as an adult. With the freedom and playfulness of a child, she decided on Stinkie McStinkerson.

"Kids love it," Mary says. "Also, since he is an Olde English bulldog, I've found that a fun name really puts people at ease. I think that children find him more approachable."

"Pets bring so much joy to a family,” Mary added, "Their names should be joyful and fun too."

< No. 2: Franco Furter  |  No. 4: Sir Seamus McPoop >

< No. 3: Stinkie McStinkerson  |  No. 5: Audrey Shepburn >

4. Sir Seamus McPoop

Where did the name come from?

Already in love with the sound of "Seamus" for an English bulldog, Rob Thompson and his wife set out to find the perfect pup to join their family and bear the name.

By the time the Thompsons arrived home with their new pet, they had dubbed him Sir Seamus; little did they know he would make an entrance they would never forget. "He promptly 'did his business' on the front steps," Rob says. "At that point, no other name but Sir Seamus McPoop would do."

< No. 3: Stinkie McStinkerson  |  No. 5: Audrey Shepburn >

< No. 4: Sir Seamus McPoop  |  No. 6: Dewey Decimell >

5. Audrey Shepburn

Where did the name come from?

Jill Boland's love of unusual pet names began when her brother suggested the name Wooferford B. Hayes for a friend's dog. Jill thought the name was hilarious, but her friend didn't go for it.

So when the time came for Jill to get her own dog, she was determined to find the perfect name. She assembled a team of friends for brunch and spent the time brainstorming names. "We considered Alpo Chino and Imelda Barcos, but since she is part Lab and part Germen shepherd, Audrey Shepburn just seemed to fit better," Jill says.

< No. 4: Sir Seamus McPoop  |  No. 6: Dewey Decimell >

< No. 5: Audrey Shepburn  |  No. 7: Knuckles Capone >

6. Dewey Decimell

Where did the name come from?

Steve Elbert only planned on getting two miniature schnauzers, so he had only picked out two names: Kosmo Vydell and Belle Noelle. He liked the name Dewey, but it didn't quite fit with the other dogs' names.

"I have a friend who was a librarian who suggested Dewey Decimell, so it would rhyme with the others," Steve says. When he decided on the name, Steve hadn't had Dewey Decimell long enough to assess his personality. Now that he's familiar with the 4-year-old schnauzer, Steve has noticed one trait that Dewey Decimell may share with some librarians: "He's a grumpy butt."

< No. 5: Audrey Shepburn  |  No. 7: Knuckles Capone >

< No. 6: Dewey Decimell  |  No. 8: Beagle Lugosi >

7. Knuckles Capone

Where did the name come from?

Before he was Knuckles Capone, this 3-year-old English bulldog was just a wee pup. Carolyn Sturgill thought it was hilarious to see her 6'5" son Jeremy cuddle with the little guy, but Jeremy knew his new dog had a big future.

"Jeremy thought he needed a large, tough name," Carolyn says. "Therefore, he was named after the notorious gangster, Al Capone; the Knuckles part from one of Capone's enforcers."

< No. 6: Dewey Decimell  |  No. 8: Beagle Lugosi >

< No. 7: Knuckles Capone  |  No. 9: Shooter Mclovin >

8. Beagle Lugosi

Where did the name come from?

With "Bella" ranking as the most common dog name two years in a row, there is been speculation that a wildly-popular vampire flick may be to blame. But before Robert Pattinson starred as Edward Cullen in Twilight, there was Béla Lugosi, the actor made famous for his role as Dracula.

It was this 1930s classic that inspired Elizabeth Roberts to concoct the name "Beagle Lugosi" for her new pup. "I adopted him from a local beagle rescue around Halloween," Elizabeth says. "He had dark rings around his eyes, and a friend of mine joked that he looked like the 'goth kid' of the litter. Not long after that, I came up with the name 'Beagle Lugosi' and it just stuck."

< No. 7: Knuckles Capone  |  No. 9: Shooter Mclovin >

< No. 8: Beagle Lugosi  |  No. 10: Uzi Duzi Du >

9. Shooter McLovin

Where did the name come from?

Carol Rosenstein's daughter Katie has quite a knack for naming pets. Looking to music and movies for inspiration, Katie chose "Shooter McLovin" for her English bulldog. Ask her why and Katie will tell you, "Because he's a scrumptious little butterball." Of course.

Named after Southern rocker Shooter Jennings and the infamous Superbad character, McLovin, the pup gets plenty of attention for his unique moniker.

"People love it," Carol says. "When they read his name aloud at the vet's office, people just crack up." It wasn't the only time Katie's creativity earned attention for her pets. She also adopted Shooter's cousin and named her, "Jonsie Gwenovere."

< No. 8: Beagle Lugosi  |  No. 10: Uzi Duzi Du >

< No. 9: Shooter Mclovin  |  Cat No. 1: Ozzy Pawsbourne >

10. Uzi Duzi Du

Where did the name come from?

Knowing that Akitas are notoriously loyal and protective pets, Ellen Stechshulte was determined to find something worthy enough to fit her new pup. Although she tossed around a few different names, she kept coming back to "Uzi" which means "my strength."

When the day came for Ellen to bring Uzi home, she was disheartened to discover that he was sick with severe diarrhea. She spent her entire first weekend of ownership in the emergency animal hospital with Uzi, while her furry friend fought for his life.

The original meaning behind his name proved appropriate, when Uzi persevered through his illness and was able to come home. But "my strength" was no longer enough on its own, and Ellen opted to accompany it with "Duzi-Du," in honor of his unfortunate, initial impression.

< No. 9: Shooter Mclovin  |  Cat No. 1: Ozzy Pawsbourne >

< Dog No. 10: Uzi Duzi Du  |  Cat No. 2: Mr. Meowgi >

Cat No. 1. Ozzy Pawsbourne

Where did the name come from?

According to Christopher Vattes, the best way to name a pet is to truly know their personality and to try to match them to someone or something with similar traits.

It didn't take long for him to realize that there was only one name fitting for his wild and crazy animal: Ozzy Pawsbourne. "As a kitten, Ozzy was already a true madman," Christopher says. "He was constantly exploring and jumping on everything, including his siblings. And thus, he got his stage name."

< Dog No. 10: Uzi Duzi Du  |  Cat No. 2: Mr. Meowgi >

< No. 1: Ozzy Pawsbourne  |  No. 3: Murderface >

2. Mr. Meowgi

Where did the name come from?

Some pet owners take days, even weeks, to come up with the perfect name for their newest addition. For Katie Crook and her husband, inspiration struck immediately.

“My husband started calling him ‘Mr. Meowgi' as soon as we brought him home,” Katie says. “We considered other names, like Chairman Meow-Meow, but nothing seemed to fit quite as well.”

< No. 1: Ozzy Pawsbourne  |  No. 3: Murderface >

< No. 2: Mr. Meowgi  |  No. 4: Fuglee >

3. Murderface

Where did the name come from?

While some pets are named for their appearance or personality, Murderface is surely an exception to the rule. The silver Scottish fold is anything but fierce, and owner Heidi Coluzzi loves the irony.

"I wanted something edgy because he was so cute," says Heidi, who also tried shark-inspired names like "Mako" and "Tiger" for the cat. A fan of metal music and the Adult Swim cartoon "Metalocalypse," Heidi ultimately settled on Murderface after a character on the show.

< No. 2: Mr. Meowgi  |  No. 4: Fuglee >

< No. 3: Murderface  |  No. 5: Scruffernutter >

4. Fuglee

Where did the name come from?

When Stephany Callahan decided she wanted a cat, she only had one major obstacle: her boyfriend was allergic. After doing some research she determined that a sphinx, a virtually hairless breed, would be a perfect compromise.

"Prior to getting our cat, my boyfriend and I looked at hundreds of photos of available sphynx online," Stephany says. "I hate to admit it, but some were so ugly that the decision of 'Fuglee' was made before we even found one to adopt."

< No. 3: Murderface  |  No. 5: Scruffernutter >

< No. 4: Fuglee  |  No. 6: Corporate Cuddles >

5. Scruffernutter

Where did the name come from?

When most people meet Scruffernutter, they have a hard time understanding how the pure-white, longhaired domestic could've earned the nickname "Scruffy." But the fluffy feline wasn't always so pristine. Before Deena Forcier and her husband adopted Scruffernutter, she had seen some troubled times. "She had a very rough upbringing," Deena says. "She was found next to garbage cans and she was pretty beat up." According to Deena, the now healthy cat was emaciated, she was missing teeth, her fur was in knots and she smelled terribly.

Although the once scruffy kitty made a full recovery, the name "Scruffernutter" stuck, and proved to be a fit in other ways. "She's a nut," Deena says. "She'll come jetting into the room, run in circles and dart right back out. She's energetic and very playful."

< No. 4: Fuglee  |  No. 6: Corporate Cuddles >

< No. 5: Scruffernutter  |  No. 7: Cat Masterson >

6. Corporal Cuddles

Where did the name come from?

Ask John Imperiosi what inspired his cats' names and he'll tell you, "We wanted a little kitty army." The only weapon these soldiers possess, however, is their ability to melt your heart. "Corporal Cuddles absolutely loves to cuddle," John says. "She also likes to roll around in freshly laundered clothes. It's very cute."

Though Corporal Cuddles is quick to cozy up with her owners and their other cat, Sergeant Snuggles, she is not entirely innocent. According to John, Cuddles favorite past-time is stealing money and receipts and stashing them around the house. "It makes cleaning day a lot more interesting," John confesses.

< No. 5: Scruffernutter  |  No. 7: Cat Masterson >

< No. 6: Corporate Cuddles  |  No. 8: Spam >

7. Cat Masterson

Where did the name come from?

When Charles Guerroro adopted Cat Masterson, he was determined to give her a name that was regal and grandiose. But his visions of kitty royalty quickly faded when he brought his rambunctious new pet home. "She would hide in the shadows, then jump out and ambush your ankles like a little hunter," Charles says. "She's feisty and fun and very down to earth."

He was inspired instead to name her after the 19th century gunslinger Bat Masterson, who eventually became a newspaperman in New York City – a dynamic persona he felt his cat resembled. "She had a very rough-and-tumble personality, but whenever I would sit down to write, she would curl up on my desk. The name is such a fit."

< No. 6: Corporate Cuddles  |  No. 8: Spam >

< No. 7: Cat Masterson  |  No. 9: Tape W. Orm >

8. Spam

Where did the name come from?

When Virginia Basiago first met Spam, she wasn't quite sure what to think. "He was very tiny with an extremely long tail," Virginia says. "I mean, the tail was twice the size of the whole kitten and he had great, big ears."

Additionally, Spam's orange and white markings made him look as if he had an awkward milk moustache. That's when it dawned on her: not unlike the mysterious canned meat, her new kitten was "a mixture of strange and wonderful things."

< No. 7: Cat Masterson  |  No. 9: Tape W. Orm >

< No. 8: Spam  |  No. 10: Louisiana Purchase >

9. Tape W. Orm

Where did the name come from?

Meghan Tumolo and her husband were at a family party when they discovered a feral kitten in a barn behind the house. Not planning on adopting another cat, Meghan did her best to ignore him. But the weather was turning cold and her family was concerned that the tiny kitten wouldn't last much longer on its own. Unable to bear the thought of leaving him, Meghan and her husband brought him home. Not knowing where the kitten came from or what kind of health it was in, the couple jokingly referred to him as “Tape,” short for – you guessed it – tape worm. Although the vet later assured them that their new pet was in perfect health, the Tumolos were hard-pressed to come up with a better name and “Tape” (forgive the pun) stuck.

Meghan attempted to make the offbeat name slightly more dignified, by spelling it, “Tape W. Orm” and occasionally addresses him as “Sir Tape Worm.”

< No. 8: Spam  |  No. 10: Louisiana Purchase >

< Cat No. 9: Tape W. Orm  |  Dog No. 1: Almost-A-Dog >

10. Louisiana Purchase

Where did the name come from?

Shortly after adopting their new pet, Don and Meribe Campbell tried desperately to remember what the staff at the shelter had called her. Knowing only that it started with an "L," Don began listing names to his wife; and on his third attempt to guess her original moniker, he stumbled upon her new one. Was it "Lola," or "Lucy" or "Lilly"? Nope. It was "Louisiana Purchase." "We didn't consider any other names after that," Don says. "As soon as I said it, my wife and I just knew."

Though they later found out she was initially named "Ellie," the Campbells felt that "Louisiana Purchase" was a much better fit. According to Don, there is something very reserved and formal about her, and she rules the household with a quiet authority.

To view the full top 50 lists, visit

< Cat No. 9: Tape W. Orm  |  Dog No. 1: Almost-A-Dog >

Photos and information courtesy VPI Pet Insurance.

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