Animal health sales revolve around pets


Washington - Nearly half of the total animal health product sales (45 percent) comes from the companion animal sector.

Washington - Nearly half of the total animal health product sales(45 percent) comes from the companion animal sector.

A recent survey released by the Animal Health Institute (AHI), an organizationrepresenting animal health manufacturers, says that total product salesof $4.21 billion in 2000 was a 2 percent decline from 1999. During thatsame period, animal health manufacturers spent 12 percent of total sales,$418 million, to research and develop (R&D) new products.

The sales survey categorizes products by pharmaceuticals, biologics andfeed additives.

The AHI survey says that product sales for livestock and poultry totaled$1.8 billion, while companion animal health product sales totaled $1.5 billionor 45 percent of total sales.

Innovative research expenditures tallied up to $362.5 million, whichrepresents 87 percent of all R&D spending. The remaining 13 percent,or $55.7 million, was spent on defensive research. Innovative research isfocused on the search for new animal health products, while defensive researchis focused on support of existing products, according to AHI.

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