Axioms can help guide daily activities


As a youngster, clichés seemed so boring. But guess what? They're back in style and they can help to sharpen our focus.

As a youngster, clichés seemed so boring. But guess what? They'reback in style and they can help to sharpen our focus.

From the list below, see which ones might fit your situation. Betteryet, clip this article, highlight the ones that might apply to your lifeand post it in your bathroom.

And for even more fun, create your own in-house clinic signs to highlightcurrent issues, ideas and priorities. Change them and the focus monthly.


Children, flowers and marriages reflect the kind of care they receive.

Don't complain until you train.

No pain, no gain.

Never say never.

In the end, passion, not pedigree wins.

Believe nothing of what you hear

and only half of what you see.

Hire attitude. Train for skill.

Seek out nurturers. Avoid drainers.

Approach each day with an empty cup.

Listen. They might be right.

He who angers you, conquers you.

To be interesting is to be interested.

Discipline is the bridge between

dreams and achievement.

If one seeks greatness, forget greatness

and seek the truth and you will find both.

Be the change you wish to see in this world.

Those who cannot remember

the past are condemned to repeat it.

Do what you do and do it well.

Don't be afraid. The ark was built by

amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.

They don't know how much you know until they know how much you care.

Excellence is as difficult as it is rare.

When a client has a problem, solve it.

Don't take clients for granted.

Say 'thank you' to clients.

God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenityto accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.

It is never too late to have a happy childhood.

With privilege comes responsibility.

We are the captain of our own ship.

Rewarded behavior continues.

Want a normal life? Forget it. There is only life.

Stop dreaming about your goals

and start making it part of reality.

The best solution for worry is action.

It is difficult to rock the boat when rowing it.

Self-talk is self-fulfilling. Be aware of messages to yourself.

One cannot see what one does not recognize.

For each mistake for not knowing, there will be 10 for not looking.

Don't cast your pearls before swine.

Each of us has a different compass. Respect that north might be southto others.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

It takes one to know one.

Your enemies and your friends define you. Be aware of who you hangaround with.

When in doubt, check it out.

We do not know what we do not know.

What you don't know can hurt you.

Spring always follows winter.

You see only what you recognize.

The sweetest sound is one's own name.

Communication = Listen.

Please, no zingers.

Be caring and kind. Expect it, give it, insist on it.

When deeds don't match rhetoric,

heed the deeds.

Caution: Knowledge outruns wisdom.

Excellence is as difficult as it is rare.

Heroes are those who rise

to the occasion, then slip quietly away.

Who said life would be fair?

He never sends a challenge one cannot handle.

Communication is 15 percent verbal

and 85 percent body language.

Believe nothing of what you hear

and only half of what you see.

When the going gets tough the tough get going.

A ladder to better listening is: Look at the person speaking to you,ask questions, don't interrupt, don't change the subject, emphathize, respondverbally and non-verbally.

One smile can fill a room with sunshine.

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