Battling the generational gap blues: Can't we all just get along? Part 3 (Proceedings)


Both the Radio Babies and Baby Boomers (older generation) grew up making sacrifices and climbing the success ladders so, for them working longer and harder were intimately tied with success.

The Issue: Work Ethic

Both the Radio Babies and Baby Boomers (older generation) grew up making sacrifices and climbing the success ladders so, for them working longer and harder were intimately tied with success. In contrast, their children and grandchildren ( Gen X and Y- younger generation) have seen their efforts and realize that THEY need to control their work schedule rather then their employer- Hence the debate on work ethic. The reality is that all generations agree that work quality and a completed result are always important.


  • Focus on the result not on the process

  • Implement technology whenever possible

The Issue: Work-Life Balance

Related to the work ethic issue- older generations feel the desire for "me time" is proof of the younger generation's lack of work ethic. To make matters worse, allowing for this balance can only make older generation more upset.


  • Offer all flexible options and benefits to ALL employees

  • Ask what benefits they would like to see to make it fair

The Issue: Sense of Entitlement

Based on their upbringing, Generation Y gives off an air of entitlement in many different areas making it seem as if they are unwilling or unable to be serious about work. However, we can manage them in the workplace by either meeting their requests or simply helping them understanding why their expectations are unrealistic.


  • Cutting Edge Technology- if you can't offer it to them at least let them experiment with what you have.

  • Be upfront about working situations including difficult and rude customers and co- workers

  • Provide them with conflict resolution education

  • Provide feedback frequently to reassure them and their efforts- especially regarding positive and negative incidents

  • Feedback should be clear, specific and concrete.

  • Express the WHY

  • Recognize Individuals for their life experiences and communication skills

  • Provide an appealing package for recruitment and retention

Resource: Bridging the Generation Gap by Linda Gravett and Robin Throckmorton

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