BizQuiz: Are you an underearner?


Learn how to think about compensation in a way that frees you to do your best work - and get paid for it.

Underearning is earning less than your education and experience would suggest - despite a desire to do otherwise. Underearning is about the choices you make and the value you put on your talent. Undervaluing yourself can be costly, and the effects compound over time

Take this quiz based on this story to find out where you fall on the underearning spectrum. Then, if you need to, read the helpful advice, courtesy of veterinary consultant Jan Miller. It is possible to do what you love and be paid well for it.

1) When it comes to financial goals, I ...

A. Wish I could magically shrink my bills or receive some financial windfall

B. Have a vague idea of what I should be making but seldom hit that number

C. Identify what I want, make a realistic plan to achieve it, and actively work the plan

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