BizQuiz: Should I share this gossip?


You're taking "BizQuiz: Should you share this gossip?" Good luck!

If you can't answer "no" to the following six questions, your piece of gossip might be better kept to yourself:

> Are you motivated by personal recognition to gossip?

> Are you motivated by a desire to generate a close alliance against a third party?

> Are you motivated by boredom?

> Are you motivated by the chance to be funny?

> Are you motivated by a desire to criticize when you don't have all the facts?

> Are you motivated by the need to feel better about yourself?

Examples of good gossip could include "I saw Dr. Smith do a great job with that cat," "Did you know Liz at reception is having a really tough day today?" or "I noticed Bill struggled with that. Could we do a better job training?" can serve a great purpose. Comments like those celebrate accomplishments, bring people closer together, and let others know about important information they need to do their jobs or help others do theirs.

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