The art of negotiating for a life: A veterinarian's perspective


Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, and Joe Jesse Owens III, DVM, discuss the importance of clear communication and setting boundaries to balance client needs and patient welfare.

Joe Jesse Owens III, DVM, inventor and CEO of Enjoy-A-Bowl and executive producer of But I Love My Pet, joined this week's episode of The Vet Blast Podcast presented by dvm360 with our host Adam Christman, DVM, MBA. The duo sat down to discuss the importance of clear communication, setting professional boundaries, and prioritizing self-care to help veterinary teams ensure they can balance client expectations and animal welfare to make sure pets are getting the care they need and patients gain a better understanding of the issues surrounding their pet.

Below is a partial transcript

Adam Christman, DVM, MBA: So talking about the art of negotiating for a life. You know your perspective. You have have been through so many different aspects already in your career. So what inspired you to view your role as a veterinarian through the lens of negotiation and decision making.

Joe Jesse Owens III, DVM: I mean, at the end of the day, this pet can't talk. You know, animal science degree teaches you what's normal in a pet. Veterinary medicine teaches you all the abnormals and what's wrong. And then you have to find that balance for a person who has no knowledge in what this animal is doing, and a lot of times they normalize bad things like limping. He's always limped, not normal. We normalize it. So how do we negotiate the quality of life to get you to realize that this pets in pain and uncomfortable at best, because it's not your pain, and it's hard to relate to that from the pets perspective, when I'm trying to help you, and I know you're here for vaccines, but he don't want vaccines right now. He want this knee at least addressed in some pain management on board.

So how do I get you to relate to that in a way that makes sense to you, so that we can relate to the dog, and then we get compliance, and then you see the results, because you agreed with me, and I always say, but what if I'm right? Even if we go back and forth, what if I'm if I'm right, I could be wrong, but what if I'm right? Yes, and he can't talk, you know?

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