Businessman offers payday loans in exchange for pet tattoos


An entrepreneur finds a new way to advertise: pets' skin. But is it ethical?

A new company offers pet owners a loan service similar to payday cash loans. However, instead of a car, the pet’s skin is the collateral. Marketing companies pay entrepreneur Antonio Smith’s company to advertise their logos on people’s pet. Smith says the procedure is harmless to the pet because it’s put under anesthesia. Then the pet’s fur is shaved and a tattoo is stitched on the body. Once the animal wakes up it’s as if it never happened, Smith says.

Smith’s company loans the pet owner $50 to $200 to have a pet permanently tattooed. Clients pay back the loan by having it drafted out of their checking account on their next payday. As part of the loan agreement, the client is required to walk the dog at least three times a day so that the advertisements are exposed like a moving billboard for the marketing companies.

Smith is looking to franchise his company in the future so that more people can benefit from this service, he says.

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