Canadian SPCA concerned by number of 'home neutering' reports


Reports indicate use of Elastrator bands.

The Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Saskatchewan SPCA) in Canada recently released a statement indicating its concern about the number of reports of dogs that have been injured in attempted neutering procedures at the hands of their owners.

Kaley Pugh, manager of animal protection services at the Saskatchewan SPCA, says the majority of the “home neutering” cases handled by the organization in the past few moths have involved rubber “Elastrator” bands used to cut off the blood supply to the testicles. The Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association (SVMA) Animal Welfare Committee calls Elastrator bands an unacceptable method of canine sterilization.

SVMA Registrar Dr. Judy Currie, DVM, says castration by banding causes extreme pain and risks ineffective castration, self-mutilation as the dog licks the painful or necrotic tissue, and secondary infection. “Often the cost of medical care and surgical repair necessary following this attempt at neutering far outstrip the cost of a proper surgical castration done by a veterinarian,” Currie says.

The SPCA says pet owners should be warned that home neutering could result in animal welfare violations and even criminal charges.

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