Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month


In this interview with dvm360®, Stephen Cital, RVT, RLAT, SRA, CVPP, VTS- LAM (Res. Anesthesia), gives advice on how practice can celebrate Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month

In honor of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month kicking off tomorrow, Stephen Cital, RVT, RLAT, SRA, CVPP, VTS- LAM (Res. Anesthesia), gave some advice to help veterinary practices honor this month in this interview with dvm360.

A partial transcript of the interview is below. View the video for more of the discussion.

Stephen Cital, RVT, RLAT, SRA, CVPP, VTS- LAM (Res. Anesthesia): I would also caution practices to be sensitive and to not approriate these cultures if maybe you don't have a Latinx employee and don't be offensive.

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