Celebrating International Cat Rescue Day 2023


Rising awareness for cat rescue and adoption to help overcrowding shelters

Okssi / stock.adobe.com

Okssi / stock.adobe.com

Established in 2019, International Cat Rescue Day is now observed every year in March—and this year it’s today, March 2nd. This day was created to bring more awareness to cat adoption and helping clear overcrowding shelters.

Brian Hurley, DVM, national medical director at AmeriVet Veterinary Partners, told dvm360®, “Veterinary professionals are excellent about sharing with pet owners and potential pet owners the value of adopting a new feline from their local shelter. Marketing on behalf of International Cat Rescue Day is another opportunity to reinforce the importance of visiting your local shelter to bring a new pet into their forever home.”

Fabio, one of the cats up for adoption at San Antonio Pets Alive. (Photo courtesy of AmeriVet)

Fabio, one of the cats up for adoption at San Antonio Pets Alive. (Photo courtesy of AmeriVet)

AmeriVet partners with San Antonio Pets Alive (SAPA), a local non-profit rescue in Texas, to help find cats permanent, loving homes. “AmeriVet partners with SAPA to shine a spotlight on some of the harder-to-adopt cats at the shelter. Whether these cats are having difficulty being adopted due to appearance, age, medical issues, or behavioral concerns, we get to know them, take great pictures, and write up a first-person Rescue Resume for them where we tell their story and help to illustrate the best forever home for them. We then promote these stories on AmeriVet and SAPA social media for increased exposure and reach,” Hurley said.

Although the goal is to get cats adopted, making sure these cats are well cared for in their new home is just as important. New cat owners need to understand the full responsibility of caring for these animals. Hurley shared some advice, stating, “It is often said cats are not small dogs. Any pet owner should now there is a commitment to owning pets including a time investment and financial obligations. It is important to make sure that new cat owners engage with their veterinary health care team to discuss what is important for their individual situation to ensure their new family member adapts to their new home and remains healthy for years to come.”

Regardless of the kind of cat chosen, a new pet owner should be aware that cats can sometimes live up to 20 years and need to maintain regular veterinary appointments to keep up with their health.

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