Understanding how tooth resorption is diagnosed and classified enables you to provide better patient care and to increase patient comfort.
Tooth resorption is a centuries-old disease that continues to puzzle the veterinary profession. Although its development may seem unpredictable at times, resorption is a common condition that veterinarians and technicians must understand to provide optimal care. At a recent Fetch dvm360® conference, Benita Altier, LVT, VTS (Dentistry), detailed the diagnosis and classification of tooth resorption in cats and dogs.
The word resorb, by definition, means to break down and assimiate (absorb) something, Altier said. The tooth and alveolar bone are 2 distinct structures held together by periodontal ligament fibers. Tooth structures resorb via several mechanisms, progressing from internal or external locations on the tooth. Resorption can be inflammatory or noninflammatory in nature.
Altier, who owns the veterinary dentistry consultancy Pawsitive Dental Education in Easton, Washington, and is president-elect of the Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians, noted that the pathologic process involved in tooth resorption is not fully under-stood. Even without a concise understanding of genetic or environmental factors that make an animal susceptible to tooth resorption, researchers do have a clear image of what occurs once the disease is initiated. Classification systems have been established for cats and dogs to map the locations of lesions, the severity of disease, and treatment options.
Altier was adamant that the best—and often only—way to diagnose tooth resorption is through a comprehensive dental evaluation that includes intraoral radiographs. She added that full-mouth dental radiographs should be obtained every time a pet is anesthetized for dentistry as things can change rapidly from year to year.
“We cannot clinically evaluate a pet until it is under anesthesia,” she said, adding that the rates of pets anesthetized annually for dentistry are extremely low. “Unfortunately, we know that not all pets presented to the veterinary hospital receive diagnosis and treatment, so many, many cats and dogs are suffering with tooth resorption left untreated and painful.”
In addition to radiographs, Altier recommends that each tooth be examined with a dental explorer for signs of mobility, red gingival mounds, and broken crowns. From a strictly visual standpoint, tooth resorption may present as gingival redness focal to a single tooth. This is a red flag, she warned, and in these cases the client should be informed that tooth resorption is likely. However, you don’t need direct evidence of resorption to anesthetize a patient. “Just like we don’t need evidence of disease to decide to recommend routine blood testing, in dentistry, we are screening for everything,” she said.
The overall incidence of feline tooth resorption varies widely among published studies, from 20% to 75%, Altier explained. Despite the wide range, she feels strongly that if you own 2 cats, it is very likely that 1 of them will develop tooth resorption.
“It might seem like semantics to classify tooth resorption individually, but it is important,” Altier noted. During a dental examination, veterinary professionals should record a diagnosis for each tooth based on clinical and radiographic evidence. When assessing a feline patient, both type and classification of the disease should be documented.1 Treatment is dictated by the type of resorption present. Three types of tooth resorption are recognized in cats:
Stages indicate the progressive nature of the disease and also the location and extent of the lesions. Five stages of tooth resorption are recognized in cats:
Altier is not familiar with any studies that provide a definitive answer on how long it takes to advance from stage 1 to stage 5. “The progression is most likely specific to that patient and that tooth,” she said, “but in my experience, it takes months to years for a tooth to go from beginning to end-stage resorption.”
Because much of the veterinary research on tooth resorption has focused on cats, less is known about the pathogenesis of the condition in dogs (in which it is sometimes called idiopathic root resorption). However, a 2010 study from the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) provided an unprecedented look into how the disease progresses in dogs.2 The 2 most common types of tooth resorption were detected in 120 of the 224 (53.6%) study dogs and in 943 of 8478 (11.1%) teeth studied. External replacement resorption was found in 34.4% of dogs and external inflammatory resorption in 25.9%.
Based on the findings from this study, as well as the similarities in how tooth resorption develops in humans and dogs, the classification of canine tooth resorption mimics the system used in human dentistry.2,3 Categories are listed in the order of most common occurrence in the UC Davis study dogs2:
Educating pet owners well and often about the importance of yearly dental evaluations is the best way to advocate for your patients and help those that may be suffering in silence. “Like any dental disease, tooth resorption is progressive,” Altier said. “And without treatment, it will never get any better than it is today. You have to intervene."