Clinic mascot gains fame on Facebook


Clinic mascot gains fame on Facebook

More and more practices are setting up Facebook pages, but not all of them let a parrot do the posting. File Gumbo, an Amazon Parrot and mascot at exotics-only West Esplanade Veterinary Clinic in Metairie, La., has his own Facebook page thanks to receptionists Sarah Gazave and Beth Richards. They keep clients informed about health, nutrition, events, and more with weekly posts all from the parrot's point of view. File Gumbo's topics have included the importance of the Polyoma Virus Vaccine, using foraging toys to keep birds busy and happy, and what to do if clients find orphaned wildlife. "Our clients love hearing about things through File's point of view," says office manager Melinda Folse. "It's informative and creative, and we think it's a unique and fun way to get information out. After all, when File talks, people listen." That seems true considering File racked up almost 100 friends during his first month on Facebook. To see this progressive parrot in action, click here.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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