ClinQuiz: Implementing the American Animal Hospital Association's Anesthesia Guidelines (Sponsored by Abbott Animal Health) Answer 3A


ClinQuiz: Implementing the American Animal Hospital Association's Anesthesia Guidelines (Sponsored by Abbott Animal Health) Answer 3A

3 A. — Try again

While a combination of an opioid plus an alpha-2 agonist would contribute powerfully to anesthesia and analgesia, it would not be the best choice for this moderately compromised geriatric patient with cardiac concerns. This combination would be far better for a younger, healthy, and exercise-tolerant patient. The alpha-2 agonist adds the convenience and versatility of a reversible agent, but the hemodynamic consequences are undesirable for this patient.

(See the AAHA Anesthesia Guidelines for Dogs and Cats and a webcast seminar, "The AAHA Anesthesia Guidelines in Practice.")

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