Compassion fatigue: Lunch and learn tools


Use these tools to educate your team about the danger of compassion fatigue.

Use these materials during your next educational team meeting to discuss the topic of compassion fatigue and explore how you can support each other in practice.

• Watch "Compassion fatigue: A serious issue for the veterinary team"

• Download and distribute "FAQs: Compassion fatigue"

• Download and discuss "Triangle of wellness"

• Watch Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald's complete video, "The best advice I ever got"

• Download and distribute "10 tips to beat compassion fatigue"

• Visit the Fun Center for videos, stories, and cartoons to share with your team

• Watch "Compassion fatigue in the veterinary clinic"

• Download the "Self-care pact." As a team activity, take the pledge together and promise to help each other uphold the pledge.

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