The daily stress of working in the veterinary profession, plus client conflict, doesn't just put a strain on business, it leads to compassion fatigue.
Negative reviews, Yelp and your veterinary clinic
Many veterinarians worry about how online critics might-or are-affecting their business, but those reviews can also take an emotional toll..
Veterinarians may ignore signs of compassion fatigue
Negative reviews can contribute to a condition veterinarians are exceptionally prone to-and often suffer from in silence.
Treatment option for a tense situation: Communicate, educate and de-escalate
Certain situations can get heatedquick. Get them under control before a tough exchange turns into much more.
Angry beyond words? Try this when you or your veterinary team has been attacked online
Turn negative reviews into positive opportunities.
Talking to your veterinary practice's "mission-driven" clients
It can be a delicate balance to guide passionate community cat caregivers to providing basic standard care.
Take the bite out of negative veterinary client interactions
Implement this action plan to deal with your volatile clients-and avoid any dangerous situations in the process.
Veterinarians don't always have to put on a brave face
Compassion fatigue and burnout are high in the veterinary profession. It's time to stand up and support one another.