Congratulations for a job well done


Give team members a pat on the back for a job well done with "green sheets."

When somebody at our office is "green," it's not green with envy or eco-consciousness—it's green with pride. We congratulate our team members with "green sheets." These blank pastel-green papers are on my desk and accessible to everyone. When an employee does something above and beyond the call of duty—covering a shift for a sick employee, fixing a computer problem, handling a difficult client exceptionally well—any other team member can fill out a green sheet and leave it with me. We try to thank the go-getters publicly in front of the whole staff, and we always put the green sheet in their personnel files. The sheets become another part of team members' annual evaluations.

—Kristine Suszczynski, practice manager; Portland Veterinary Specialists, Portland, Maine

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