Control your veterinary construction project budget


Our architect says keep your eye on the prize and wind up with what you want.

Your construction budget is a complex and dynamic thing. Each variation to your plan along the way can affect the overall numbers. This is why Veterinary Economics Hospital Design Conference speaker Wayne Usiak, AIA, advises you to start with a solid budget, then revisit your figures again and again.

Wayne Usiak knows veterinary design projects. Read up.

Tempted to handle the project yourself? Don't. You be the veterinarian and let someone else project manage.

Are you thinking of funky colors? Wayne Usiak and Heather Lewis say choose your hues wisely.

Have questions? Talk to your veterinary architect (and get what you need).

"As the design unfolds and gets more and more evolved, you should do another budget analysis," he says.

Check out everything Usiak has to say in this video, from a recent Fetch dvm360 conference.

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