Date: September 29 - October 01, 2017
Most veterinarians graduate from veterinary school with minimal or no training on how to run a veterinary practice/clinic and are left to acquire this knowledge elsewhere. In todays competitive veterinary market it has become increasingly difficult to run a profitable veterinary business with just common sense and by winging it. This course was specifically developed for busy equine practitioners and practice managers who are not expected to have any pre-existing knowledge in the field of practice/clinic management. This training will provide them with readily applicable tools to streamlining their practice/clinic and making it more profitable as soon as they return home. The panel of speakers have all had long-standing involvements with the management of very successful equine practices/clinics and will present the material through a very practical approach based on personal experience as equine practitioners and practice managers. The many topics will be discussed via interactive lectures and case-based discussions and are tailored to the specific needs of equine practitioners and practice managers some of the cornerstone lectures will be on starting a practice, pricing strategies, how to increase the bottom line, equipment purchases, profit/loss-based strategies, staffing/hiring, staff compensation, marketing, inventory management, leadership & communication, exit strategies etc.The course fee includes coffee/tea breaks, lunches, a wine & cheese reception, dinners at restaurants, a surprise fun activity, extensive electronic course notes and a certificate of attendance. Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available.
Event type: Course with Wetlabs
Event Address: Yellowstone national Park
Sponsor: VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development
For More Information:Petra Pellew,VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development
PO Box 560653 ,Rockledge ,Florida ,32956 ,United States