Dental anesthesia and monitoring: How do your veterinary fees stack up?


Well-Managed Practices give us an inside-the-register look into dental procedure pricing.

Do you charge enough for anesthesia and monitoring during dental procedures at your clinic? Do you account for all the staff time, prep work, supplies and expertise? In a time when consumers are more sensitive to price, it can be scary to raise prices. But it might have been way too long since you've looked at this.

So check out median prices and whether these specific dental anesthesia and monitoring items are even included in standard care. Whether you itemize treatment plans for clients or bundle them up, you should know what you charge for which items so you feel secure in the knowledge that you're getting paid for your awesome work.

Here's what the data from high-performing Well-Managed Practices shows in Benchmarks 2015: A Study of Well-Managed Practices ...

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