Dental health month


Here are some statistics on pet dental care according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.

February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Here are some statistics on pet dental care according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association:

* Around ten percent (10%) of dogs and cats are taken to the veterinarian for dental care.

* Almost three-out-of-ten dog owners (29%) have bought any type of dental product in the past 12 months with eighteen percent (18%) intending to buy a dental product in the next 12 months.

* Sixteen percent (16%) of owners bought a toothbrush and fourteen percent (14%) bought toothpaste.

* Typically, these products were bought at a discount/mass merchandiser store, pet store or pet superstore.

Source: 2007-2008 American Pet Products Manufacturers Association National Pet Owners Survey

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