Dentistry pictorial to improve compliance - VLG


Harrisburg, Pa. - In effort to enhance dental program compliance, Lockwillow Avenue Animal Clinic in Harrisburg, Pa., produced a pictorial display, "From Wicked to White - What it takes to Get There."

HARRISBURG, PA. — In effort to enhance dental program compliance, Lockwillow Avenue Animal Clinic in Harrisburg, Pa., produced a pictorial display, "From Wicked to White — What it takes to Get There."

The program was designed to improve marketing of dental procedures, and consists of 12 photos inserted into a series of small celluloid jackets. It is used when discussing the importance of all aspects of a dental prophylaxis.

"A picture is worth 1,000 words," says Dr. Mark Guise, practice owner. "We have been able to improve dental compliance significantly using this tool."

The material was produced by taking photographs during a dental prophylaxis using a clinic technician's dog to demonstrate aspects, including:

  • Pre-dental teeth in poor condition,

  • Why the pet must be anesthetized,

  • The value of pre-anesthetic blood screening,

  • Pre-dentistry urine problems,

  • The anesthetic procedure,

  • The teeth cleaning and extraction procedure,

  • The pearly white results,

  • Post-dentistry urine testing improvement,

  • How to keep clean teeth clean.

A staff member used desktop publishing to edit the photos and add text for explanation. The result is a professional tool that is used whenever dental problems need to be discussed.

To view a sample of the photos used in producing the dental pictorial, visit and click on "VLG in the News".

Tip from:

Dr. Mark Guise

Lockwillow Avenue Animal Clinic

Harrisburg, Pa.

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