Deramaxx tablets approved by the FDA as the first coxib class drug for veterinary use


Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc. recently announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Deramaxx chewable tablets, the first coxib-class drug to be approved for use in veterinary medicine.

Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc. recently announced that the U.S. Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Deramaxx chewable tablets, thefirst coxib-class drug to be approved for use in veterinary medicine. Acoxib class drug is defined by the World Health Organization as a classof drug with a specific chemical structure that inhibits the COX-2 enzyme."Coxib class drugs are 'smart medicines' that help the practitionertarget the COX-2 enzyme primarily responsible for pain and inflammationin their patients, while sparing the COX-1 enzyme primarily responsiblefor normal platelet function, renal blood flow and gastric protection,"says Jim Guidone, president and CEO, Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc. "Thisproduct brings the latest in pharmacological research efforts to millionsof dogs that are currently receiving traditional, less targeted medicationsto control their pain." Deramaxx is the only drug now approved forthe control of pain and inflammation associated with orthopedic surgeryin dogs. "The introduction of Deramaxx tablets is a significant advancein helping to address practitioner concerns about the treatment of post-surgicalpain and inflammation in dogs," says Dr. Ralph Claxton, manager, newproduct development. "Just as advances are being made in human medicine,Novartis Animal Health is dedicated to bringing those next generation ofpain control options to veterinary medicine." Deramaxx has passed extensivesafety and efficacy studies required by the FDA. Multiple studies proveda statistical difference in pain control over placebo. As with all drugs,side effects may occur. These are normally mild, but may be serious. Ina field study, the most common side effects were gastrointestinal signsor incision leakage. Dogs should be evaluated for pre-existing medical conditionsbefore beginning any new medication and monitored during therapy. Referto full product labeling for more information. Deramaxx tablets are availablein 25mg and 100mg tablets and are beefy-flavored for easy oral administration.Tablets can be given once-a-day for 24-hour control of pain and inflammationand may be given with or without food.

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