Dogs more important than human friends, survey shows


New data reveal that many pets are treated more as family members than as animals.

The term “man’s best friend” is more suitable to dogs than ever before. In a new survey more than half of respondents said their dog is more important to them than their friends.

And these survey respondents aren’t afraid to show their love. Eighty percent allow their dog on the furniture and 60 percent give their dog gifts on holidays, according to the survey from Leger Marketing a market research firm. The report also states that 78 percent include their dog in everyday tasks, like running errands or meeting with their human friends. When it comes to vacation, 53 percent of respondents said they plan their trips around places they can bring their pets, and they consider using airlines that allow their dogs to travel in a carrier on board.

If your partner has a dog, be warned: nearly half of respondents said they would break up with a potential mate if the person and dog didn’t get along. Another 40 percent said they’d avoid inviting friends and family over if those people didn’t like their dog.

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