Downloadable forms: There's a veterinary form for that


Make life easier for your clients-and you-with these eight downloadable forms.

Can't get enough forms? Start clicking. Dr. Heather Short, an associate at Pet Vet Family Pet Care Center in Kalamazoo, Mich., has shared her favorites at

1. Staff recognition. To honor staff members who go above and beyond, Dr. Short uses "paw slips." Staff members fill out a slip recognizing a coworker for a job well done. They put copies of these slips into a binder so everyone can read them, and they give the original slips to the staff member who earned them. The staff member with the most slips each month wins a gift certificate and recognition at a staff meeting.

2. Seizure activity chart. Here's a great way for clients to record seizure activity at home. Clients can post the chart on the fridge where it's visible and easily accessible. Plus, they can bring it to the clinic for appointments and work with the veterinarian to determine whether treatment adjustments are necessary. "I made this form for my clients and they love it," Dr. Short says.

3. Insulin dosing chart. Another form that's popular with Dr. Short's clients is this dosing chart, which can be posted on the fridge where insulin is stored. Not only does it provide a record of insulin administration, the form enhances communication when multiple family members are involved in the care of a diabetic pet.

4. Desensitization training. This informational sheet offers step-by-step instructions on how to desensitize a dog to a scary object (nail trimmers)or scary situation (nail trimming). A corresponding chart gives clients a place to record progress, observations, and other comments.

5. Treatment protocol for amitraz dips. This sheet—which functions as both an in-house patient care form and client education tool—helps pet owners understand the treatment process for generalized demodectic mange, including the necessity for amitraz dips, dermatologic testing, and follow-up visits. A veterinarian or veterinary staff member fills in the form at each appointment, adds it to the patient record, and sends a copy home with the pet owner. This process lets clients know what to expect and, consequently, helps facilitate appointment scheduling.

6. Treatment protocol for oral ivermectin. Another handy tool for demodectic mange management, this form outlines the protocol for home administration of oral ivermectin and lists possible side effects (a consent form is included to acknowledge off-label use of the treatment). "By filling in the chart, the owner becomes actively involved and responsible for proper oral dosing," Dr. Short says. "It reminds him or her when to increase the dose, re-weigh the dog, and have the next skin scrape done. We ask the client to bring the form to appointments to show proof of compliance."

7. Medication dispensation policy. Occasionally Dr. Short and her team have a stubborn client who wants medication but refuses to bring the pet in for an updated exam. "We ask the client to sign this form acknowledging the risks," Dr. Short says, "but we use it only as a last resort."

8. Pet relinquishment letter. When a client chooses to give up ownership of a pet, Dr. Short offers him or her this form to sign. She includes it in the client's records to document the finality of the situation.

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