DVM Newsmagazine's preview for March 2009


The No. 1 read newsmagazine among small-animal doctors*

DVM Newsmagazine's 2009 State of the Profession

  • Results of DVM Newsmagazine's triennial survey

  • Veterinary inflation, deflation and salaries

  • The future: optimist vs. pessimist

  • Boon or bust: A regional look at the practice economy

  • Veterinary competition: Are we all getting along?

  • Consolidation and mergers: current and future trends

  • Examining the specialist/generalist relationship in a tight economy

  • Educational debt: a growing burden on associates and owners


SurgerySTAT this month: Mitchell A. Robbins, DVM, Dipl. ACVS, writes about gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), a common occurrence in large and giant breed dogs, stressing how to make owners aware of warning signs and preventive measures.

Emergency medicine: Use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in surgical and emergency/critical-care practices, by Dennis T. Crowe Jr., DVM, Dipl. ACVS, Dipl. ACVECC, FCCM.

Internal medicine: Do contrast studies still have a place in the diagnostic work-up of a vomiting patient with gastrointestinal (GI) disease? Or have they been fully replaced by more advanced imaging techniques such as ultrasound, endoscopy, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging?

Diagnostic imaging tips, by Dr. Allison Zwingenberger, DVM, Dipl. ACVR of the University of California-Davis.

Business Features:

Christopher J. Allen, DVM, JD, reviews a doctor's obligations regarding compliance with human-health regulations, rabies exposure and the risks associated with advising owners of allegedly dangerous pets.

In today's tough economy, the first step in reducing payroll and at the same time probably increasing personal productivity is to switch associates from straight salary to production-based salary, according to Gerald Snyder, VMD. He argues that it can transform a practice by turning talented associates into entrepreneurs.


Kenneth L. Marcella, DVM, writes on diagnosis and treatment of muscle injuries in performance horses.

What are the essential nutrients for foals? Ed Kane, PhD, discusses foal nutrition, with emphasis on vitamins and minerals.

Ad Closing Date: January 30, 2009

Materials Deadline: February 4, 2009

Note:In Focus: Senior Care polybags with the March issue of DVM Newsmagazine.

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