Embracing diversity in the workplace (Proceedings)


The current state of the workforce is that there is a shortage of skilled workers and in the veterinary industry we are experiencing this shortage with a great intensity.

The current state of the workforce is that there is a shortage of skilled workers and in the veterinary industry we are experiencing this shortage with a great intensity. Embracing diversity can be a proactive approach to your recruiting and retention efforts and can greatly enhance the dynamics of your team and practice.

Four areas of Focus

  • The generational gap

  • The gender gap

  • Cultural Diversity

  • Values

The Generational Gap

  • Veterans

  • Boomers

  • Xers

  • Busters/Netsters

The Gender Gap

  • What role women play in the workforce

  • Social activities

  • Evaluate team success

Cultural Diversity

  • Celebrating differences

  • Behavioral do's and don'ts


  • Flex scheduling

  • Career development

  • True balance between professional and personal worlds

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