Employer Pricing


Find the right candidate today

Select affordable packages suited for your hiring needs Single Package

One Position to Fill Online for 30 days

Edit/Remove/Renew any time

Enhance a la carte

$200 per posting

Multi Package

Several Positions to Fill Pre-purchase and save

Post jobs over 12 months

Enhance a la carte

3-Job Multi Package

$185 per posting 5-Job Multi Package

$175 per posting

Contact a Rep

Premium Package

Hard to Fill Positions Save $100 on enhancements

Bold Title

Featured on homepage

Highlight color

Top placement in search result

$475 per posting

Contact a Rep

Additional Recruitment Solutions

Job Wraps

Post Jobs Automatically

• Pull postings from your site

• Perfect for bulk posting

• Update 3 times a week

• Includes bonus print advertising

Branded Advertising

Make Your Company Prominent

• Attract top talent

• Get in front of job seekers

• Link directly to postings


Top Leaderboard


per month

Big Box


per month

Bottom Leaderboard


per month

Featured Employer

Draw Attention

• Get featured on the homepage • A 300x250 pixel placement • Rotate as one of six featured employers

Featured Employer Video

Add your recruitment video to the home page of careers.dvm360.com as well as access it directly from your company profile page. This exciting new product provides immediate exposure to your customized message to the largest pool of veterinary professionals.

Video placement on Home Page Player and Company Profile 

$250 per month

Featured Position Upgrade

$100 per month

Turnkey Web Video Production*

60 sec. video - $650 one time charge | 90 sec. video - $790

*Web video consists of slide show with scripted voice over and music

Recent Videos
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