Euthanasia procedures amended in Tennessee


Nashville, Tenn. - Tennessee recently revised its rules regarding euthanasia of companion animals.

Nashville, Tenn.

- Under a new state law, Tennessee shelters and veterinarians must hold an animal for three days prior to its euthanasia, except in emergency situations.

Those animals euthanized by intracardial injections must be heavily sedated, the new law adds.

Sodium pentobarbital and similar agents approved by the state board of veterinary medicine are the only methods of euthanasia for non-livestock animals, with preferences ranked by the state.

The top preference listed in the law is an intravenous injection by hypodermic needle, followed by an intraperitoneal injection, and intracardial injection and then a solution or powder added to food. In the case of intracardial injections, heavy sedation is required prior to euthanasia. Sedation previously was at the discretion of the veterinarian.

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