Feline CCHS explained


In an interview with dvm360®, Kelly Cairns, DVM, DACVIM, MS, described the two main types of feline Cholangitis/Cholangiohepatitis Syndrome, plus effective treatment methods.

During an interview at the recent Fetch dvm360® conference in San Diego, California, Kelly Cairns, DVM, DACVIM, MS, distinguished feline neutrophilic Cholangitis/Cholangiohepatitis Syndrome (CCHS) from non-neutrophilic CCHS, then reviewed the common treatment options for this condition.

View the video below for the entire discussion. The following is a partial transcript.

Kelly Cairns, DVM, DACVIM, MS: There's 2 main types of CCHS syndrome in cats. Neutrophilic refers to an infectious process. A neutrophil is a type of white blood cell that often comes to the site to fight infection. Non-neutrophilic refers to autoimmune or immune-mediated inflammation where there's no infection going on, but the body is having an abnormal response to attack the liver cells.

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