Feral cat reclassification flounders in Wisconsin


MADISON, WIS. - 6/16/05 - A push to declare feral cats an unprotected species has been rejected by Wisconsin lawmakers and tabled by a state agency charged with moving the measure.

MADISON, WIS. - 6/16/05 - A push to declare feral cats an unprotected species has been rejected by Wisconsin lawmakers and tabled by a state agency charged with moving the measure.

While residents voted to create legislation designating the killing of feral cats a lawful act, the Wisconsin Conservation Congress has tabled the issue indefinitely. Wildlife enthusiasts who blame free-roaming cats for the demise of songbirds and other animals in the state have lobbied for the initiative.

But potential difficulties determining pets from feral cats worked against the initiative. Leslie Grendahl, executive director of the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, says most lawmakers have been outspoken opponents of such legislation.

"Even if there is a brave legislator who might introduce such a bill, the governor has promised it won't go anywhere," she says.

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