Highlights from the Fetch dvm360® conference’s robust agenda in San Diego, California; December 2-5, 2021.
It is day 3 of the Fetch dvm360® conference in San Diego, California. Each day, a selection of sessions will be highlighted with Pacific Standard Time. Keep visiting dvm360.com for our ongoing coverage of Fetch San Diego.
Featured sessions for Saturday, December 4, 2021 are as follows:
I Wouldn’t Change a Thing
SPEAKER: Mark Goldstein, DVM; and Marty Becker, DVM
TIME: 8:00 am
Goldstein’s successful career as a veterinarian, zoo director, animal advocate, and author make him a perfect candidate to share his hard-earned nuggets of joy and heartbreak and his approach to a happy life in this keynote session with Becker.
Tests of Cortisol: Clinical Applications in Cushing Disease
Sponsored by Zomedica
SPEAKER: Heather Kvitko-White, DVM, DACVIM
TIME: 9:15 am
ROOM: 30 E
This course is both a review of the hormonal changes that occur during Cushing disease and an analysis of how to measure and interpret these changes in today’s clinical practice. The goal is for the listener to understand the internal and external influences affecting cortisol and to acquire a greater appreciation for the nuances of blood cortisol testing as it relates to the diagnosis of Cushing disease in dogs. The difference between reference ranges and diagnostic cutoffs will be highlighted, and specific hormone test result patterns will be explained. The practitioner should leave with an increased level of confidence in diagnosing Cushing disease.
Shining a Light in the Dark: Improving Clinical Outcomes With Improved Dosing for Laser Therapy
Sponsored by Companion Animal Health
SPEAKER: Lisa Miller
TIME: 9:15 am
ROOM: 30 C
Evidence-based science on the use of photobiomodulation (PBM; previously referred to as laser therapy) will be reviewed, specifically as it relates to new research examining the use of PBM in treating both osteoarthritis and potentially degenerative myelopathy in dogs.
Is It Behavior or Dermatologic?
Sponsored by CEVA
SPEAKER: Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, DACVD; and Chris Pachel, DVM, DACVB, CABC
TIME: 10:45 am
ROOM: 30 C
How often do you find yourself asking, “What came first? The behavior or the dermatologic disease process?” Understanding behavioral components in dermatology cases is crucial for managing a multimodal plan of action. Join behaviorist Pachel and dermatologist Bourgeois for a fun, interactive discussion.
Pragmatic Medicine Is Excellent Medicine
Sponsored by Zomedica
SPEAKER: Heather Kvitko-White, DVM, DACVIM
TIME: 10:45 am
ROOM: 30 E
Learn about the concept of pragmatic veterinary medicine, including the difference between gold-standard care and standard of care. Kvitko-White will highlight her approach to internal medicine and how clues from the signalment, history, and physical examination can narrow the differential list. Also learn how decisions can be cost-conscious but costly, as well as how decisions can be expensive and still pragmatic. Kvitko-White will provide tips for getting the most out of a client’s investment in their pet’s health, including how saving money results in better compliance and an increased perception of value from the pet owners.
Incorporating Laser Into General Practice: Integration and ROI
Sponsored by Companion Animal Health
SPEAKER: Tannetje’ Crocker, DVM
TIME: 10:45 am
ROOM: 30 B
The evidence has shown that laser photobiomodulation (previously referred to as laser therapy) is effective. However, successful integration, marketing, and pricing for this therapy are needed in veterinary practices.
What’s New in Canine Flu? And Other CIRD Conundrums
Sponsored by Zoetis
SPEAKER: Karen Stasiak, DVM, MSN, MSc (CMID)
TIME: 12 pm
In this Lunch and Learn session, Stasiak will apply pulmonary immunology to clinical vaccine decision-making, review the common pathogens of the canine infectious respiratory disease (CIRD) complex, and discuss canine influenza virus outbreak and transmission dynamics. The unique immune responses and virulence factors of canine influenza and how it affects patients will be presented. CIRD diagnostic and treatment options and outbreak management will be reviewed.
Feline Hyperthyroidism: A Few New Tricks for the Old Cat
Sponsored by Zomedica
SPEAKER: Heather Kvitko-White, DVM, DACVIM
TIME: 1:15 pm
ROOM: 30 E
This talk is an encompassing clinical refresher of feline hyperthyroidism, including history, pathophysiology, work-up, and diagnosis. Kvitko-White will review available diagnostic assays of feline thyroid hormones and introduce the role of measuring thyroid stimulating hormone in both the diagnosis and in the monitoring of this, the most common geriatric feline endocrine disorder. Current literature regarding tests of feline thyroid hormones will be reviewed, particularly how the growing body of new research affects the diagnostic process. The role of iatrogenic hypothyroidism in patient morbidity and mortality will also be discussed.
Networking 101: How to Make Connections and Find Hidden Opportunities
Sponsored by Mission Veterinary Partners
SPEAKER:Lindsey Hedges, DVM; and Kelsey Guenther, RVT
TIME: 1:15 pm
ROOM: 30 B
Do you want to expand your network but don’t know where to start? Do you love veterinary medicine but feel isolated in practice? Are you bored or burned out in your current position? Do you want to find a way to reignite your passion for vet med? Explore the ways in which networking can enrich your career and lead to hidden opportunities. The session will cover real-world examples and tips for all veterinary professionals, no matter the stage of your career (or your level of introversion). Discover easy-to-use practices that you can immediately put into action.
I Know That Cat Has Chronic Pain: Convincing the Owner
TIME: 1:15 pm
ROOM: 30 C
Treating chronic pain is often the easy part; diagnosing that pain and convincing the owner can be more difficult. Explore ways to have that conversation with the owner to become a more effective pain practitioner for cats.
Canine Hypothyroidism: The Skinny on the Fat
Sponsored by Zomedica
SPEAKER: Heather Kvitko-White, DVM, DACVIM
TIME: 2:30 pm
ROOM: 30 E
This is an encompassing clinical refresher of canine hypothyroidism, including the history, pathophysiology, work-up, and diagnosis, based on current literature. This talk will review available diagnostic assays of canine thyroid hormones and introduce the role of measuring thyroxine (T4), free T4, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in the diagnosis and monitoring of this disease, which is among the most common endocrine disorders diagnosed in dogs. Factors affecting thyroid function test results, including age, breed, current medications, and concurrent illnesses, will be reviewed.
The Test of True Mentorship: Avoiding False Positives
Sponsored by Mission Veterinary Partners
SPEAKER:Lindsey Hedges, DVM
TIME: 2:30 pm
ROOM: 30 B
The word mentorship gets thrown around a lot in veterinary medicine. If you’ve ever had a bad mentorship experience, you may have lot of questions. How can you avoid false promises and sort the great mentors from the great pretenders? What does great mentorship really look like, and what role does the mentee play in making it successful? How can you provide excellent mentorship to associates and staff without being on call 24/7? The answers to these questions may surprise you. This session applies to all members of the veterinary team and all experience levels as we discuss how to find, create, and nurture a culture of mentorship in your practice.
What You REALLY Want to Know About Diabetes
Sponsored by Zomedica
SPEAKER: Heather Kvitko-White, DVM, DACVIM
TIME: 3:45 pm
ROOM: 30 E
Learn about clinical diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats. Fast-forward through physiology and the molecular structure of insulin and jump right into what practitioners really want to know. Why choose one type of insulin over another? Is diet really that important? Can my client afford this? Why should I care about the Somogyi effect? Kvitko-White will share her pragmatic and cost-conscious approach to medicine.
Not All Corporations Are Evil: MVP Gives a Fecal
Sponsored by Mission Veterinary Partners
SPEAKER:Lindsey Hedges, DVM; Kelsey Guenther, RVT; and Meagan Parks, RVT
TIME: 3:45 pm
ROOM: 30 B
Mission Veterinary Partners (MVP) wants to be the employer of choice in veterinary medicine. To achieve our mission, we must put our employees before profits. We understand that these buzzwords mean nothing without evidence of action and follow through. Join us to learn why MVP Gives A Fecal about you and how we are ready to support your career goals from your first day through retirement. This session applies to all members of the veterinary team, including associates and new grads interested in ownership.