The agency will provide outreach and education as part of its’ implementation plan.
Officials with the FDA have issued a final guidance that is designed to help protect animal health by recognizing the need for access to certain compounded animal drugs. The guidance—Compounding Animal Drugs from Bulk Drug Substances—describes the agency’s approach to situations where veterinarians use unapproved compounded drugs to provide appropriate care for the medical needs of the diverse species they treat.1
According to the FDA, the agency recognizes that this final guidance covers a wide range of stakeholders and plans to focus on education and stakeholder engagement before shifting resources toward inspectional activities in Fiscal Year 2023. The FDA will continue to take appropriate actions when compounding practices threaten human or animal health.
Animal drug compounding using an FDA-approved drug as the starting point is already allowed under existing law and regulations. Animal drugs compounded from bulk drug substances are not FDA-approved and the agency has not evaluated them to ensure that they are safe, effective, properly manufactured to ensure consistent quality, and the labeling is complete and accurate.
“We are taking this step [with final guidance] because we recognize the need for veterinarians to have access to compounded animal drugs that aren’t available as approved products and that would make a clinical difference in patient care,” said Steven M. Solomon, DVM, MPH, director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, in an agency press release. “We believe this policy strikes the right balance between maintaining access to drugs veterinarians need to treat diverse animal populations, while ensuring human and animal health is protected from poorly-compounded products, or ones that attempt to copy existing FDA-approved drugs.”
There are more than 1600 drugs that are FDA-approved, conditionally approved or indexed for use in animals, as well as approximately another 20,000 FDA-approved human drugs that could be prescribed for animal use. At the same time, there are many different species of animals, each with various diseases and conditions for which no suitable FDA-approved or indexed drugs are available for which access to compounded animal drugs may be necessary.
The FDA released this guidance in 2019 and received comments from veterinarians, pharmacy compounders, and other stakeholders. In response, the agency has made significant changes to the final guidance to recognize flexibilities for veterinarians to access animal drugs compounded from bulk drug substances for those animals that need them.
The final guidance does the following:
According to the FDA, the agency understands there may be many questions about the final guidance, and it is committed to a proactive outreach and education period for veterinarians and animal drug compounding pharmacies as part of implementation. During this period, the FDA will continue meeting with interested stakeholders to discuss the new guidance and address questions about content and implementation.
The agency has also created a library of tools to help inform stakeholders on details of the policy. These tools include informational handouts for veterinarians and pharmacists as well as a webinarExternal Link Disclaimer and graphic. Stakeholders with additional questions can contact the agency through