Check out these continuing education opportunities now available
dvm360 Flex engages well-accomplished and highly sought-after key opinion leaders who are innovative, creative thinkers, and problem solvers to deliver credible CE programs so you can learn from the very best within the industry
Nutrition plays a huge role in the overall health of the horse. We will focus on two key systems, digestion, and immune health, and how compromise can contribute to multiple common conditions we see daily in our equine patients. We will also discuss the good and bad relationship between gut and immune health. Neale will cover key ingredients to consider for nutritionally supporting the gut and immune system.
To view this webinar, go here.
During this course, participants can expect to learn basic genetics terminology and concepts (such as penetrance, expression, and mode of inheritance). A brief overview of the various technologies utilized to determine genotype will be provided. Participants will then learn to apply these concepts through clinical case walkthroughs and how to communicate the benefits and results of canine genetic screening to their clients. Lastly, participants will learn how canine genetic screening can fit into various types of practices.
To view this webinar, go here.
This program will serve as an introduction to regenerative medicine, specifically the platelet concentrates known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). These medical devices have been used in human medicine for over 20 years and are gaining traction through most fields of veterinary medicine.
To view this webinar, go here.
This lecture will discuss various methods of open wound management. We will discuss numerous topical therapeutics to apply to wounds and indications for their use. Different types of bandaging techniques and indications for bandaging will also be discussed. Other methods of open wound management will also be discussed, including negative-pressure wound therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Case examples will be presented, including the decision-making process for their management.
To view this webinar, go here.
This is a 15-minute podcast that will discuss the benefits and advantages of topical therapy when treating animals with allergies. The discussion will include important ingredients, different forms of topicals, and how to use them for best results.
To listen to this episode, go here
As we know in veterinary medicine, the owner-provided history and even the physical exam findings frequently do not provide us with the details needed to understand our patients’ underlying medical issues. In this podcast, we will discuss the importance of obtaining objective lab data from our patients to make accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatment plans, using a case example of a dog with an unusual presentation and some unexpected twists in her diagnostic workup. Key pointers will be shared about urinalysis and hematology to raise awareness and confidence around proper interpretation of important pathologic findings. As well, the case discussion will highlight the teamwork of the technician and veterinarian that is essential in maximizing laboratory diagnostics.
To listen to this episode, go here.