Free canine weight assessments in February


National Report - 11/30/07 - With veterinarians reporting that 47 percent of their clients are overweight, the National Canine Weight Check seeks to fight back, offering pet owners free weight assessments for their animals.

National Report - 11/30/07 - With veterinarians reporting that 47 percent of their clients are overweight, the National Canine Weight Check seeks to fight back, offering pet owners free weight assessments for their animals.

The month-long education initiative -- taking place throughout February 2008 -- is designed to increase awareness about the dangers and prevalance of canine obesity and to motivate dog owners to take action with their own pets. Sponsored by Pfizer Animal Health and the American Kennel Club , the program has recruited participating veterinarians and clinics that will perform the assessments, advise on an animal's proper weight goals and provide information about the specific risks of obesity for various breeds.

Dogs over an ideal weight are more likely to be at greater risk for developing:

  • cruciate/intervertebral disk rupture

Beginning in January, participating veterinarians will be listed on

so dog owners can locate a nearby clinic.

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