Free pet food free-for-all


Financially struggling Pennsylvanians line up for 20 pounds of cat food, 40 pounds of dog food.

Many animal organizations across the nation are mobilizing to help pet owners suffering in this financial crisis, which they hope will keep pets out of shelters. Case in point: The Humane Society of Berks County in Reading, Pa., is giving away free pet food Jan. 17.

This Humane Society will distribute 20 pounds of free cat food to each customer, and 20 to 40 pounds of dog food per dog owned by each individual. There are no eligibility requirements, and the giveaway will be repeated regularly as long as food supplies allow. The extra food comes from the Humane Society's Ani-Meals on Wheels program (click here for information), which delivers monthly pet food and supplies to Meals on Wheels recipients and other pet owners who are financially struggling.

Tip: Consider collecting donations of unexpired pet food from clients moved by the plight of other pet owners. Donate it to a local Humane Society or other organization for distribution to pet owners in need.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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