Fridge-worthy marketing


Attract clients like refrigerator magnets.

Team members at Howdershell Animal Clinic in Florissant, Mo., cater to clients who treat their pets like children. The clinic services about 120 surgery patients a month so it made sense to send surgery patients home with a Certificate of Bravery.

"How many of us display certificates of accomplishments that our children bring home from school?" says Gail Wright, business manager. "We thought this would be a great way to recognize surgery patients and their special bond with their owners."

The certificate, printed on brightly colored paper, includes the pet's name and this wording: In recognition of great courage shown during your stay in the hospital for surgery. "Clients say they love putting our certificate on their refrigerators," Wright says. "And because the certificate includes the clinic's information, it also serves as a way of advertising."

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