Case study: Splenic mass in 8-year-old labrador retriever
Lovey presented to the clinic lethargic, with inappetence but consuming plenty of water, and a bulge on her abdomen when lying down
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Eye to eye: Navigating ophthalmology emergencies
Alex Sigmund, DVM, DACVO, shares his expertise on dealing with ocular emergencies on this episode of The Vet Blast Podcast presented by dvm360.
Research shows bifidobacterium Longum and Fibersol-2 may aid feline gastrointestinal health
For the study, participating cats underwent an abrupt dietary change
Updates in treating FIP
Drs Adam Christman and Christopher Byers highlight recent FIP treatment advancements
Tips for simplifying ophthalmic exam in general practice
Ron Ofri, DVM, PhD, DECVO, shares how veterinary professionals can make eye exams easier for all during his recent lecture at VMX
Get in the know with Lepto
Christopher Lee, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, provides listeners with more information on Leptospirosis, including whether or not vaccinations are dangerous for patients.
Programs are working to advance emergency and speciality veterinary medicine
Amid an accessibility crisis, one solution has come to the fore
How to keep your team feeling appreciated all year-round
Using diuretics to help relieve the failing heart