Generation perceptions and work ethic


Just because they're young doesn't mean they're lazy.

What do you think about coworkers from a younger generation than you? If you think they're the weakest link in your team, you're not alone. In a recent Jobfox survey of corporate job recruiters, only 20 percent said that employees from Gen Y, also known as Millennials, are generally great performers. And 30 percent of recruiters labeled Millennials as poor performers. Baby Boomers earned the best responses-63 percent of recruiters think Boomers are great performers, while just 4 percent labeled Boomers as poor performers.

Rather than completely discount the youngest generation, shed your negative perception and look for ways to get the most out of young workers:

> Reward employees with balance. Younger employees appreciate flexible schedules.

> Provide new learning experiences. Millennials want to learn new skills and stay cutting-edge.

> Don't belittle Millennials' youth. They want to contribute to their jobs immediately.

> Provide stability. Millennials are loyal team players.


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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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