Georgia veterinarians unite for common goal


Atlanta-Gov. Sonny Perdue issued a proclamation making May 4 Veterinarian Day in the state. The proclamation was declared to honor veterinary professionals and show support for the philanthropic work of the Georgia Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA) Foundation.

Atlanta-Gov. Sonny Perdue issued a proclamation making May 4 Veterinarian Day in the state. The proclamation was declared to honor veterinary professionals and show support for the philanthropic work of the Georgia Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA) Foundation.

Veterinary student assistant scholarships are funded through the Foundation, as well as a savings for students in case of an emergency.

The foundation is working with Heritage Funding Solutions to organize a plan to raise money, says Sue Roop, of Heritage Funding Solutions. It's the first time the foundation has asked for funding, Roop adds.

"The people at GVMA don't want students to have to drop out of school if they have a financial crisis," Roop says. "That's where the money is going."

Veterinarians donated more than $38,000 in proceeds from May 4 to the GVMA Foundation. To encourage public involvement, veterinarians asked clients to schedule appointments for the date to generate as much donation money as possible. Veterinarians donated 10 percent or what they could from their proceeds from the day.

Beth Monte, executive director of GVMA, says the foundation plans to recognize veterinarians as the "other family doctor," Michael Younker, chairman of the foundation says.

Gov. Perdue is also a veterinarian, Younker adds, saying the profession has been honored by the proclamation.

The GVMA Foundation has chosen the Children's Miracle Network's "Josh and Friends" to serve as the flagship program of its human-animal bond outreach.

The Josh program provides a plush Josh puppy and a storybook describing Josh's successful journey through surgery at a veterinary hospital to children who are facing surgery or lengthy hospital stays.

"The Josh program exemplifies the compassion and strength of the human-animal bond, which is at the core of the foundation's mission," Monte says.

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