Grant to fund first shelter medicine extension veterinarian position


Davis, Calif. - 6/15/07 - A $420,750 grant over three years will fund a new position for an extension veterinarian in shelter medicine - believed a first for the United States.

Davis, Calif. - 6/15/07 - A $420,750 grant over three years will fund a new position for an extension veterinarian in shelter medicine - believed a first for the United States.

PetSmart Charities awarded the grant to the University of California-Davis to fulfill "an urgent need for an academic position dedicated to extending medical knowledge to shelter professionals," the organization reports.

"There is a tremendous need for education, information and outreach in shelters across the United States," says Susana Della Madalena, executive director of PetSmart Charities. "We are proud to fund this groundbreaking initiative that will pave the way for continued progress in the animal welfare field and help save the lives of countless homeless pets."

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