Holiday season makes for bizarre veterinary insurance claims


Tis the hazardous season for pets and their owners.

Holiday comforts bring joy, but they can wreak havoc with animals. Pets Best Insurance has shared some of its holiday insurance claims to highlight the dangers hidden amongst the festivities.

Dangerous dough

Indulging in frozen croissants resulted in an emergency visit to the veterinarian for a 2-year-old Siberian husky, Zoey. Considering bread dough's high yeast level, vomiting was induced and Zoey was monitored for hypoglycemia and signs of ethanol toxicity. After all that dough, Zoey returned home.

Stuffed on Thanksgiving

Turkey didn't agree with a 7-year-old Labrador retriever mix, Darsha. The dog pounced on her family's Thanksgiving meal leftovers and devoured the turkey carcass within moments. After evaluations and diagnostics at the veterinary clinic, Darsha was sent home with medicine.

A bitter taste in her mouth

Sugar cookies were not sweet to Lily, a 5-year-old Maltipoo. Although her owners stopped her from eating 24 homemade goodies, she was still at risk for upset stomach, pancreatitis and diarrhea. After evaluation and medically induced vomiting, Lily was returned to her owners.

A shoe-in for disaster

Eating a slipper was the sole reason a 5-year-old Great Pyrenees, Teddy, was hospitalized for a blockage and suffered bouts of vomiting, producing large and small pieces of slipper.

The abundance of delicious snacks and seasonal items can raise many risks for dogs who are prone to consuming whatever appeals to them. To help make sure your clients understand the risks their pets face, use our prewritten posts and tweets about holiday pet hazards on your practice's Facebook and Twitter pages.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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