Horoscope: Your week in the veterinary world


The stars have aligned and told us the possible ups and downs you could have this week, and how to deal with em like the awesome veterinary professional you are.


We've looked to the stars to see what's in store for you in the veterinary world this week. Full disclosure: We're not professional star-gazers. Click through each page to get a read, or click on your sign below. 

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces



March 21-April 19

You're feeling relaxed this week (I know, we're surprised, too!). It's making you a little stir-crazy, like you should be neck-deep in work instead. It's creating a kind of war within you: You want to relax; you want to work your tail off. There's also the possibility of discord with you and higher-ups, or a power struggle with a fellow team member. To combat all of those problems, work to make this week a both/and week, rather than an either/or one.



April 20-May 20

You've got a bad case of FOMO this week, though you're not sure what about-you just know that wherever the other side is, that grass is way greener. It's causing you to put deeper meaning behind every little thing at the clinic and fill yourself with doubt. Stop it! You've got a full schedule and a heavy workload (what's new?), but your upbeat mindset can get tons of to-do's crossed off of that list of yours.



May 21-June 20

This week, you're a focused little machine. It's possible that could bring pressure into your life when it comes to sharing and trust. Avoid workplace toxicity at all costs and try and keep yourself from becoming that toxicity. Instead, bring a constructive change to a relationship or even to yourself. Don't let those little impulses rule you, and take control of what you can to keep helping those animals in need.



June 21-July 22

You're feelin' freaky friendly this week, but this could complicate relationships with coworkers and clients. You're looking for someone on the same level as you, but that could draw you into a possibly-toxic friendship. This might cause tension in existing relationships and create arguments. Don't stress! Just remain aware of what you're up against, and you could turn tension into total fun with new (and old) relationships.



July 23-August 22

You're seriously in the mood for silence and solitude this week. Too bad you won't even get a peaceful lunchbreak. Pressing responsibilities of sick patients could keep you from relaxing, or maybe there's too much going on in your environment-like that one pet owner who just won't stop with the questions. As a Leo, your logical solution to stress is to be productive and cross stuff off of that long list of yours, but it's kind of killing you. Don't ignore your mental and physical wellbeing-if you're feeling burnt out, find a way to nurse yourself back to sanity. 



August 23-September 22

You've got the rare urge to be a social butterfly this week, but your desire to get along with people can only stave off your introversion for so long-and Mrs. Samson just won't quit talking. The need to express yourself can put your social skills out of whack this week. Getting your own needs taken care of could be hard in your practice, but don't worry-your team members are there to boost your confidence and give you the motivation to push yourself toward awesomeness.



September 23-October 22

Tension between you and your team members (we don't want to tell you it'll be a manager, but …) or between your private and work life could really throw a wrench in your week. You should also watch out for your emotional state-in other words, stop sweeping those feelings of yours under the rug! You need to face those ugly thoughts and feelings and transform them into fuel to keep you doing what you do best: Kick butt and care for animals. Have you tapped into your creative side yet? You should.



October 23-November 21

Oh, no. You've got that weird itch to do something really out of character. You're volunteering to assist in surgery with that surgeon, offering to take the nail trim appointments or assisting in client follow-up calls. You're dead-set on leaving your comfort zone, but that doesn't help your bad habit of overthinking literally everything. You're proud of your my-way-or-the-highway mantra, but this week would be a good one for finding middle ground and letting the chips fall where they may (while, yes, still micromanaging just a tad).



November 22-December 21

Your needs and the needs of a close team member are about to collide. Whether it's financial pressures, shifts in self-esteem or feeling an imbalance in responsibilities, you're going to need to have a difficult conversation. As if that's what you need, right? Try and keep your own self-interests balanced with the interests of your teammates-after all, you're all there to lift each other up in times of trouble.



December 22-January 19

Looks like you're going to get along well with everyone around you this week. Before you give yourself a high-five, keep in mind the temptation to control everyone and everything in the clinic. To many, it'll seem like you're coming on a little too strong, and that could make you feel like you're too much for your teammates. Instead, aim for healthy compromises and find a way to channel your passion for helping animals into your relationships without being over-assertive. You've got this.



January 20-February 18

You're usually chipper, but something buried deep down could jump to the surface. And when your emotions create rainclouds, the clinic subconsciously gets poured on as well. It's not like you can help it-there are a ton of layers to you! But the more you accept your feelings and what they stand for, the more you can take control and bring sunshine back into your clinic. Cut yourself some slack and talk out those bad feelings with someone you trust.



February 19-March 20

Peer pressure. It's nothing fun, and you're going to be feelin' it this week when work and personal life collide. You're feeling happy-go-lucky, but some team members totally aren't. Maybe they don't like how you handled that irrational pet owner. Maybe they're feeling left out of your loop. Regardless, heads are about to butt. Start while you're ahead to keep those relationships of yours intact, and let your teammates know they're the best, since they already know you are. 

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Tasha McNerney, BS, CVT, CVPM, VTS
Andrea Pace, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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