Hospital Design Planning Workbook: Design and construction timeline


Track your progress and stay on top of key project deadlines with this list.

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Here's a breakdown of key points in the building process, and when they need to be completed. To download a PDF version of this checklist, click here.

30 to 36 months before move-in

Brainstorm motivations for building

  • Identify your practice philosophy.

  • Analyze your existing and future market.

  • Estimate growth in income, staff, veterinarians, and services.

  • Identify additional areas of potential growth.

  • Develop a listing of project goals and needs.

  • Gather information pertaining to the construction process.

  • Attend the Veterinary Economics Hospital Design Conference.

24 to 30 months before move-in

Assemble your initial design team

  • Management consultant

  • Accountant

  • Architect

  • Real estate broker

Investigate your development options

  • Compare and contrast building new, renovating your current space, and leasing space.

    Build new

  • Identify your desired location based on the market and projected city growth.

  • Identify specific sites in your target market area.

  • Compare and contrast sites based on cost, development potential, visibility, and constructability.

  • Investigate a specific site.

  • Confirm site size and identify easements.

  • Confirm the availability of utilities: sewer, water, power, and gas.

  • Confirm that the site is zoned correctly.

  • Identify constraints that may impact development: soils, wetlands, or hazardous materials.

    Renovate or expand your existing facility

  • Determine the desirability of your existing facility in terms of community and market growth.

  • Investigate the viability of renovating or expanding on the existing site.

  • Confirm site size and identify easements.

  • Confirm the availability of utilities: sewer, water, power, and gas.

  • Confirm that the site is zoned correctly.

  • Identify constraints that may impact development: soils, wetlands, or hazardous materials.

  • Investigate the viability of renovating or expanding your existing building.

  • Investigate the viability of existing structure, HVAC systems, roofing—architect or contractor can assist.

    Lease space

  • Identify your desired lease locations based on the market and projected city growth.

  • Identify specific leasehold spaces that are available in your area.

  • Compare and contrast leasehold spaces based on cost, market, configuration, and visibility.

  • Confirm that leasehold is adequate in size.

  • Confirm that leasehold space is zoned properly.

  • Confirm the availability of utilities.

18 to 24 months before move-in

Investigate your project feasibility

  • Identify your project size and scope.

  • Meet with your architect to develop a listing of required spaces and site needs.

  • Cross-check your listing of required spaces with the available site, building, or lease space—architect can assist.

  • Identify construction cost based on listing of spaces.

Identify balance of project costs

  • Evaluate site acquisition, equipment, design fees, and development costs.

  • Compare project costs with available funds.

  • Review funding options with your accountant, management consultant, and lending group.

  • Secure a preliminary commitment for financing.

  • Review your available cash and verify your project timeline with required target dates.

Initiate site purchase or lease negotiation

  • Note: If needed, initiate your planning and zoning applications. This process can require four to 18 months, so plan accordingly.

  • Hold a preliminary meeting with city officials to identify issues, process, and timeline.

  • Meet with your architect to identify upcoming tasks.

  • Hire a civil engineer to assist in the application process.

  • Civil engineer, architect, or planner develops required exhibits for application.

  • Complete application for city or county zoning.

  • City or county reviews application and requests supplementary information.

  • Obtain zoning approval.

18 months before move-in

Begin schematic design process

  • Architect develops initial facility design: schematic floor plan, exterior appearance, and site layout.

  • Gather information to begin drawing production.

For a new or existing site

  • Obtain a current metes and bounds survey.

  • Complete an improvement and topographic survey.

  • Conduct a soils test.

  • Complete a level one EPA study to identify potential hazardous materials on site.

  • Develop information on existing buildings to remain.

  • Develop plans for structural framing, building systems, utilities, and sewer.

For a leasehold space

  • Obtain accurate drawings for potential lease space.

  • Obtain accurate information about existing utilities (power and sewer) and existing HVAC.

  • Sign off on schematic drawings.

  • Retain a civil engineer and landscape architect to develop site drawings.

  • Obtain preliminary pricing from your contractor based on schematic drawings.

  • Confirm project construction cost and viability—architect, accountant, and management consultant can assist.

12 to 18 months before move-in

Produce working drawings

  • Authorize architect to proceed with working drawings.

  • Provide additional detailed information to architect on equipment, cabinetry, HVAC, electrical requirements, and interior finishes.

  • Architect forwards information to building consultants to produce structural, mechanical, and electrical drawings.

  • Investigate retaining a contractor on a preliminary basis.

  • Contractor reviews in-progress working drawings produced by architect for preliminary budget purposes.

  • With architect, review drawings for compliance before release for bidding and building department.

10 to 12 months before move-in

Complete bidding, building application, and financing process

  • Architect releases completed drawings for bidding and building department application.

  • Architect gives final working drawings to contractor for pricing.

  • Submit final working drawings to building department.

  • Building department reviews application and requests additional information.

  • Finalize financing requirements with bank.

  • Work with bank on appraisal process.

  • Building department releases drawings for construction.

  • Contractor provides final bid.

  • Owner and contractor review cost-saving alternatives.

  • With contractor, finalize construction contract.

8 to 10 months before move-in

Oversee facility construction

  • Review construction schedule with contractor and architect.

  • Contractor begins construction.

  • Architect approves pay requests to contractor on monthly basis.

  • Architect and contractor develop punch list and wrap up construction.

  • Contractor corrects punch list items.

  • Architect executes certificate of occupancy.

  • Take over utility bills and building insurance.

  • Contractor gives owner warranty and service manuals for facility.

  • Release final payments to contractor.

Move in to facility

Develop move-in and transition plan

  • Move in.

  • Retain HVAC contractor to provide ongoing service and maintenance.

12 months after move-in

Perform warranty walk-through

  • Conduct warranty walk-through with architect and contractor.

  • General contractor makes necessary repairs.
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