Negative attitudes among veterinary teams can be considered “emotional cancer” that undermines performance and reduces productivity. Here’s how to identify it — and beat it.
The concept of emotional cancer was written about by the great Steven Covey, the best-selling author of such life-altering books as “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”
He calls these common negative traits in the workplace “metastasizing cancers” because they spread like wildfire within an organization, undermining relationships and performance. What are these cancers, and how can you excise them?
The Four Cancers
These four negative habits are not unusual in a veterinary clinic — or any organization for that matter. Like cancer, bad habits often spread unchecked among staff members. With no “higher-up” intervention or guidance, these habits progressively invade minds, contaminate thoughts and pollute conversations.
Slowly but surely, they become part of the culture. Hire a new recruit with “rising star” potential, and within weeks, he or she starts to criticize, compare, complain and compete. And the evil disease takes its toll.
So, now that we have a diagnosis, what is the treatment?
Four Treatments
If you feel that your staff or even you are a victim of these emotional cancers, here are a few solutions you can implement.
Introduce a New Normal
Once you become aware of how big a problem you have on your hands, take a deep breath, gather the troops and establish new rules. From now on, no more gossiping, no more negativity, no more criticism, no more comparing, no more complaining and no more competing will be accepted in your practice.
It takes some serious guts to say things like that, but it would be a good idea to do it before your practice reaches the point of terminal cancer — where every “organ” (or department) is full of metastatic cancer. So, prepare your speech and explain the new acceptable behaviors.
Talk the Talk
If your employee manual states that tardiness is unacceptable, yet you allow one employee to be late continually with no repercussion, you’re setting a bad precedent. If the employee manual specifies that piercings should be small and tasteful, then why does your (favorite?) receptionist have a giant nose ring?
Violations and exceptions, big or small, imply that rules can be broken. Once a small rule is broken with no consequences, then bigger boundaries are likely to be challenged. And it slowly goes from bad to worse. Once you are happy with your employee manual, set the expectations and enforce the rules. When a rule does get violated, follow the predefined disciplinary actions: verbal warning, written warning, termination. No exceptions.
Walk the Walk
If the owner of the practice or the hospital administrator cusses and complains all day, it will be very difficult to have a positive and polite staff. And if the owner or hospital manager claims that negativity is unacceptable, then he or she shouldn’t complain all day about petty things. In other words, lead by example.
Think Like a Surgeon
Surgery remains one of the primary weapons against cancer. So don’t procrastinate. Be bold and excise the cancer sooner rather than later. Interestingly, hardly anybody regrets firing an underperforming employee. In fact, most colleagues who have been in that difficult situation comment that they wish they had done it sooner. In other words, just do it!
Dr. Phil Zeltzman is a board-certified veterinary surgeon and author. His traveling surgery practice takes him all over Eastern Pennsylvania and Western New Jersey. You can visit his websites at and