Humane Society releases new book on feral cat control


Washington-Humane Society Press released a new book for residential, corporate, university and other communities that need to control feral cat colonies.


Humane Society Press released a new book for residential, corporate, university and other communities that need to control feral cat colonies.

"Community Approaches to Feral Cats: Problems, Alternatives, andRecommendations" was written by Dr. Margaret R. Slater, associate professorof epidemiology in the departments of Veterinary Anatomy and Public Health,and Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at Texas A&M's College of VeterinaryMedicine.

The book offers guidance on the compassionate and proactive approachto dealing with feral cat programs within a community, the organizationsays.

The book outlines cooperative measures between animal care and controlprofessionals and local residents to manage feral cat populations and creativestrategies that are proving successful in several communities.

For more information contact Humane Society Press, 2100 L. Street, NW;Washington, D.C. 20037; FAX: (301) 258-3082; or go to

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