Hunt begins for new Iowa State veterinary school dean


Ames, Iowa -- The search is officially underway in the search for the next dean of Iowa State University?s College of Veterinary Medicine.

Ames, Iowa

-- The search is officially underway in the search for the next dean of Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dean search committee co-chairs Labh Hira, ISU’s dean of the College of Business; and Susan Carlson, associate provost for faculty advancement and diversity, met with 16 others on the committee this week, according to a spokesperson.

Final candidates should visit the campus in the fall, and a new dean is expected in place by Jan. 1, 2011.

In addition to Hira and Carlson, the committee includes:

• Rodney Bagley, professor and chair, veterinary clinical sciences

• Rodney "Butch" Baker, clinician, veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine

• DeLano, Oakland, Calif., alumnus, veterinary medicine

• Amanda Fales-Williams, assistant professor, veterinary pathology

• Tamara Hancock, DVM student

• David Hardin, associate dean, and professor and head of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

• D. L. "Hank" Harris, professor, animal science department

• Anumantha Kanthasamy, Distinguished Professor in veterinary medicine; professor, biomedical sciences

• Renee Knosby, business manager, veterinary medicine administration

• Annette O'Connor, associate professor, veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine

• Amanda Ramer-Tait, research scientist, veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine

• James Roth, Distinguished Professor in veterinary medicine; professor, veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine

• Kimberly Van Driel, DVM student

• Bianca Zaffarano, clinician, veterinary clinical sciences

• Kurt Zuelke, director, National Animal Disease Center

• Ruth Birch, executive vice president and provost office

Applications or nominations for the position may be e-mailed to

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